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stairs — friday fictioneers zeds 12

September 28, 2012

Once again Madison Woods has graced us with a picture prompt. From that many minds conjure stories and poems of 100 words or so. Come and join us.

photo courtesy of Sandra Crook

The stairs led ever upward. Now the girl needed rest. She drowsed beneath the shaded waystation, her battle against the evil within draining strength and resolve. Reaper could spare her a few minutes, but then they must move. It would be hard to defend this spot.

She moaned softly in her sleep. Reaper chuckled wryly at the risk, the hopelessness of trying to save her, the evil insanity of a ruined world turned upside down by zombies and their controlling hive mind. Young and pretty in sleep, still it was time to wake her.

He didn’t even know her name.

  1. There are no Zomb… Hang on a second, someone at the door. Be right baaaagghghahfhg!



  2. Russell permalink

    I’m getting drawn in deeper & deeper by these characters and the drama of the chase.

  3. Freaky. I love where this could be going. Got a longer story in mind?

  4. Another Zombie hit! Fun story.

  5. You are really drawing me into your story about Reaper and the girl and the zombies! I like this one best of all the episodes I’ve read – not sure if it’s your best or if I just like it because I’m getting a clearer picture of their problems; but who cares?

    Are you thinking of making a novel based on these stories? It could be very interesting, I think!

  6. i hate to wake someone when their body needs the rest. well done.

  7. Young and pretty in sleep? Damn Reaper gets all the hot babes!

    Okay, what’s going to happen next?

    • she is a bit high maintenance in that she may at any time turn and feast on his heart. But still — anything for the hero’s reward!

      thanks for commenting — bw

  8. I’m enjoying the developing story of Reaper and the girl – I’ll be sure to keep up with it. I want to know more about what’s going on in this place, and this hive mind zombie thing going on. Nice job!

  9. Yay another Zombie tidbit and well done I hope she gets a name though.
    I am number 44 this week

  10. I think she’s done pretty well to survive this long–my guess is that she has a future….

  11. TheOthers1 permalink

    Maybe it’s the romance writer in me, but I want him to save her so that there will be a love connection. Nicely done.

  12. John Hardy Bell permalink

    Liking this Reaper more and more!

  13. Damn zombies! Can’t take them anywhere, and they’re everywhere and it it’s not just them it’s vampires, werewolves, shifters, witches. Monsters everywhere. What’s a girl to do? Ron

    • thanks — I guess she just has to trust her hero is up to the task! Appreciate your stopping by

  14. I hope he saves her, she sounds far to cute to be a zombie!

  15. Bill, at this rate you’ll be able to tie your FF stories together into a novel. Good job of building tension.
    I’m late this week at #27

  16. Nicely woven into the larger piece Bill. I’m kind of getting to like Reaper. ‘Chuckled wryly’ was a great ‘show’ phrase for defining his character.

  17. Oh those naughty zombies and their controlling hive mind! Hope he manages to save her regardless. My story’s here today

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