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dad, tell us…. friday fictioneers

April 10, 2013

This story is prompted for Friday Fictioneers – kindly hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Come try your hand at a 100 word story. Here is today’s photo prompt

“Dad, tell us about the space-cycle and how grandpa rescued Nana from the alien.”

“Sure, If you like.”

“Start where Nana was young and the most beautiful woman in the galaxy and the alien prince stole her away.”

“That’s a good start.”

“And how Grandpa strapped propane tanks on his chopper and soared high to get her back.”

“Indeed, so he said.”

“She wouldn’t kiss the alien, so he threw her in a pit with a monster to eat her.”


“Then grandpa fought the monster and stole her back.”


“Thanks Dad, it’s always better when you tell it.”

  1. haha! This is super cute!
    How was the big go-live?

  2. Sarah Ann permalink

    Those kids have great voices. Now, if only they’d let Dad get a word in..

  3. Bill
    So true to life this tale.I loved it and am still smiling.
    Reminds me of ‘say it again’, ‘you missed a bit out’ – children need the security and repetition of stories, they learn such a lot. The days of telling and reading stories to my children were over far too quickly.
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane
    Dee 🙂

  4. Hehe the way kids tell the story by trying to get the grandparents to 😀

  5. Cute story! Of course my grandpa did that first!

  6. haha really adorable ^^ reminds me of when i’d ask my grandma to tell me the same bedtime story every single night!

  7. Sweet bed time story. You got the kid personality down pack.

  8. That sounds amazingly like the way stories go with my kids. They want you to repeat them, but they usually tell more than I get the chance to. I laughed at the end.

    • thanks — stories are the way kids learn to make the world and their imagination coherent. I think they are much more important than we think.

      Glad you laughed — I almost always laugh when I read yours.

  9. Hahahahaha! I laughed out loud … because it’s SO true! Creative, fun. Great job, Bill!

  10. I wish I could tell my stories with such a minimal amount of effort–if only my grandkids would just cooperate. Great piece, Bill.

  11. Another great use of dialogue to tell a story, and so typical of kids. Wonderful job.

    Here’s mine:

  12. Hilarious! And brilliantly written as always. I’ve had conversations like that 🙂

  13. I loved it, especially the last line. With insight like this you are surely a father! 🙂

  14. Beautiful! just beautiful. You really nailed the voice in this. Well done.

    • thanks…. my dad told me some whoppers about Pocahontas ( indian princess ) and I guess I may have perpetrated the practice.

      Glad you enjoyed it.

  15. Brilliant!
    Great take, superbly told.

  16. And then?….This made me laugh the whole way…I could see the kid and the grin on the dad’s face. Loved it.

  17. Adorable on so many levels!

  18. Dear Bill,
    All I can say is wonderfully crafted, visual and made me smile all over.

  19. Haha. Very cute. Definitely the voice of a school age kid.

  20. cute story… you did a great job but ccould you let the kid tell it to me again. 😉

  21. I can just hear you doing this very thing with the girls. 🙂


  22. Thank you for the laugh. This is really a different take. The child narrates the story to himself and the clever father just leads him on

    • people ( especially children ) talk and recount events and memories to assimilate them reconcile their world. In this case the child needed to know that heroes can exist.

      thanks for stopping by 🙂

  23. Wow, this is great! When reading, I envisioned this as a really cool, illustrated children’s book.

    • My dad used to tell me stories like that. In fact I went to kindergarten and told the teacher that we were descendents from Pocahontas the Indian princess…

      they still kid me about that one 🙂

      thanks for stopping by

  24. That’s funny…! I know people like that… (Not the aliens; just the nature.) 😉
    Great rhythm in there….

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