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as long as… friday fictioneers zombies zeds 27

March 28, 2013

This story is prompted for Friday Fictioneers – kindly hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Come try your hand at a 100 word story. Here is today’s photo prompt

Madman lies dead, there is no living thing where his nerve gas bomb has poisoned. But the death of the hive leaves us wondering how the girl will fare

Toxic air embraced the square and drifted lazily into the atrium. Reaper watched. No birds sang, no squirrels moved. Still life zombies honored Madman’s Valhalla journey.

It had been two days and the girl lay comatose. At the hive’s death she convulsed, coughing blood and expelling an evil growth. Reaper destroyed it and took her to shelter in an abandoned restaurant. The third day she rose, eyes clear but very weak. She whispered “Madman?”.

Reaper put a finger gently on her lips and shook his head.

“A light has gone from the world,” her voice soft and sad. “How will we survive?”

Reaper’s words, “As long as heroes survive, mankind will fight.”

The End

  1. Glad it wasn’t all doom and gloom. Nice writing, Bill.

  2. Bill, your stuff reads like poetry almost. Has kind of a rhythm to it. I’m a BIG fan of poetry, so I feel like I got a good one here (even if the subject matter is kind of …dead!) 😉 Score points!

  3. Dear Bill,
    Nice ending even if you did kill off Madman 😦 I’ve grown rather accustomed to this series but I’m looking forward to more from you on other subjects.
    Joyful Resurrection and shalom,

    • thanks — got a lilacs pic ? I have a couple requests for a romantic finish 🙂

  4. I had to go back and catch up on the previous installments. Really enjoyed the ride!

  5. Great to meet the girl again, I was concerned for her.

  6. I think I missed a few instalments not having been around for almost the whole of March.
    Have some catching up to do.
    Madman dead!! 😦

  7. Very clever nod to the Easter story
    Our hero surely deserves a bit of romance now…perhaps a love scene next as it can’t possibly be the end of the Reaper 🙂

  8. What a clever take on the prompt. The image of the girl coughing up an evil growth might stay with me, but fortunately I’d finished breakfast. A real alternative Easter story – well done.

  9. Creative Easter story or zombie rising. It was definitely a good read.

  10. The End? Already miss Reaper, the girl and Madman–maybe an Epilogue? (By the way, the next-to-the-last line needs a pronoun).

  11. “On the third day…” Not your traditional Easter story but a heroic ending. Now what? 🙂 It’s been a good run (sometimes literally.)


  12. Nice ending. Though part of me still wants that romance.

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