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picket fence – friday fictioneers zeds 23 zombies

February 20, 2013

This story is prompted for Friday Fictioneers – kindly hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Come try your hand at a 100 word story. Here is today’s photo prompt

Sometimes there is only one way out, and waiting while the bomb ticked to zero was not an option…

This was it. Stay and become assimilated into the evil hive or slash his way through the zombies guarding him. There would be no picket fence, Reaper thought, no halcyon days, no surrender.

His groan started within, grew to a keening snarl as Reaper rushed toward the exit, hewing heads and arms from any who opposed him.

Surrounded, the room flashed, then roared as he and the zombies between him and the bomb were lifted, smashed against the wall while shards of glass from the atrium rained down like sparkling arrows, diamonds in the morning sun.

The other zeds stories ( soon to be appended into a single post ) can be found under categories, zombies.

  1. Oh dear–not even Janet knows how this ends (and we only have 2-4 episodes to get Reaper out of trouble, into the girl’s arms and riding off into the sunset–or is that the impossible-to-achieve picket-fence option?). Last line definitely a 3-D moment.

  2. Uh oh. Doesn’t sound good to me. Love the glass shining like diamonds.

  3. “there would be no picket fence,” –love this line in expressing the emotion Reaper felt.

  4. I love, love, love your comparison of glass shards to sparkling arrows and diamonds raining down. But then, I’m a girl who likes sparkly things. 😉

  5. I loved the … shards of glass from the atrium raining down like sparkling arrows
    It’s OK to have the last line planned, just as long as you don’t use it for a while yet!

    • thanks Dee — it’s ( my last line ) a bit cheesy but I suspect it might be a trait of zombie aficionados. 🙂

  6. The zombies will win in the end … But I keep my finger crossed

  7. Wow, being new to Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers, this wan’t what I expected – Zombies are taking over. I guess we better put up a fight!

  8. JackieP permalink

    well done! I always enjoy reading 🙂

    • thanks Jackie — I know it’s only 100 words but I really feel like a novelist. A reader makes all the difference.

  9. This series reminds me of the old TV shows that always ending with “tune in next week” or “to be continued.” Well done, Bill. I can’t wait for the next cliff-hanger.

  10. Hi Bill,
    Just read in the paper that The Walking Dead has a higher body count than any other show. Your zombie fiction is right on the cutting edge of this wildly popular trend. Ron

  11. That final sentence was both vivid and beautiful. Good job.

    Here’s mine:

  12. Clever incorporation of the prompt here, and some lovely lilting language in the heart of all that destruction. Well done.

  13. This played on like a Hollywood blockbuster … well written !!!

  14. Wow!
    the scene played out superbly. This was like an urgent action packed scene as the movie reaches it’s end. Your writing was upbeat and well paced with the situation.
    One of your best episodes of this series in my opinion!

  15. Why do i feel like the end is near?

  16. I think above all one thing makes stories work – movement -you win there! Great description and character commenters know well!

  17. Interesting read.

  18. This guy always enjoys. Thanks.

  19. Another gripping instalment. Good one.

  20. Kick ass job Bill…let the reaper live I beg you.


  21. This cannot be the end for Reaper. I bleieve he will continue with the next prompt. I have confidence you can incorporate whatever prompt follows this.

    • Thanks Joe — I admit I have grown rather fond of the fellow and losing him is not a pleasant thought!

  22. Dear Bill,
    I can’t wait to see how Reaper fared once the dust clears. Another week. Another cliff hanger.

  23. This better not be the end of Reaper, though I’ve got to say he’s not going to be in any shape afterwards… Nicely done, as ever.

    • thanks Sandra – I think he’s still alive, I have to look under the dust and fire! 🙂

  24. been waiting for this ^^ had to read it slowly and savor all the action and picture the scenes in my mind. shards of glass from the atrium rained down like sparkling arrows, really awesome… in my mind it happened in slow mo ^^

  25. A lot of action in so few words. The end does indeed feel near.

  26. I can feel the end is getting closer. Although I doubt Reaper dies, this doesn’t sound too good. No halcyon days, indeed, a phrase I must admit I like. And I like your description of the broken glass.

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