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ember – poem

October 5, 2013

The tiniest of embers in panic hidden
buried deep, long thought surrendered
gently the wind, a breath a whisper
elicits feelings and hope rekindles

what cradles the fire before the flame
nourished hunger, comforted pain
coaxes the night to meet the dawn
till only faint echos of dark remain

From → poetry

  1. One ember … one ember … but where can it be. Hopeful.

  2. The illumination, the word, the truth, the hope revived as darkness rolls away. Well said.

  3. darkness defeated…and it doesn’t take much…love the hope in this..

  4. Glad to see you here, Bill. I particularly like your strong second stanza–very nice..

    • thanks VB, the stanzas didn’t really go together, but that’s how they come out some times.

  5. Great imagery here.. we all love some embers and waiting fot that wind to make it flame again.. great piece and nice to find you on dVerse

  6. Beautiful capture. I love how you used free verse in the first stanza, and went on to rhyme the second. It really enhances your words. Well done.

  7. We always have to nourish the hope, as we rekindle a fire. With a little bit of care, both a fire and hope will burn brightly.

    • hope and love are perhaps the same, both vunerable, both available to be rekindled.

  8. all it takes is the smallest of embers to keep hope alive because it can become a roaring flame…

  9. Well done! _Resa

  10. Didn’t think of embers so, until I read your poem. Good one, Bill.


    • thanks Eric – sometimes an ember of hope, an ember of love if fed can engulf us in fire.

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